I set up this blog to share a picture a day for 365 days. My main drive was to force me to take photos daily to improve my overall output. I will be trying out new techniques, polishing up on my existing abilities, and sometimes just posting shots of my daily life.

Note this page is optimized for resolutions above 1280X1024. If you are looking at the site with a lower resolution some of the landscape orientation photos may be cut off. If you click on the photo itself it will take you to my Flickr site where you can view the photos at different sizes.

Friday, July 2, 2010

June 24 - Steel Lattice

June 24 - Steel Lattice

I love taking shots of recurring patterns, especially using a shallow depth of field. This steel lattice pole made for a great composition of pattern, DOF, and movement.

Nikon D700
Nikkor 24-85mm
35mm FL
Shutter 1/1250

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